Monday, February 22, 2021

Self-Assessment Blog

 Madelyn Davis


Self-Assessment Blog

     Hello everyone and welcome back to "The Maddy Files." Today I will be reflecting on my past blogs and what I can do to enhance their quality. My parents always told me not to settle for less and there's always room for improvement; so I will use that piece of advice to examine all of my blog posts and find a solution to each problem. When it comes to following the rubric, I believe that I do a decent job of meeting all of the requirements, but "decent" is not the word that I want to associate with my blogs. When I'm writing my blogs, I find it hard to stay on one topic and keep it interesting and I end up missing key details and information regarding the topics that I'm discussing. If I can find a way to avoid straying away from the topic, then my blog will be far from decent. 

     Blogs are meant to be more personalized, so I find it hard to remember to incorporate some essay aspects in the post as well. One way that I could improve this is by treating the blog like an essay but I can add in some personalized aspects to keep the blog from getting boring. For the first couple of blogs, I was putting my best efforts into them; but sadly I had lost a family member that I had not seen in about seven years a couple of weeks ago. Because of this, I was getting behind on a lot of assignments and I would wait until the last minute to complete them. But now that he has been laid to rest and I've had the proper time to grieve, I am once again motivated to write blogs and showcase my writing skills. 

     I've been told to proofread my essays or have a peer look over them before I turn them in, and I  have stuck by that during all of my school years. Therefore, when I am writing my blogs, I make sure that my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are satisfactory. Having other students look at my blogs is a little uncomfortable but I know that there will be certain situations in life that will make me feel uneased, but I have to adapt. 

     Discussing how a blog should be typed during a zoom session would be something that I would like to see; and if I have further questions, I can have a one-on-one session with my professor, email her, or send her a text. One thing that I learned about blogs is that they're not just about personal situations; they can be about things that are happening around the world or something that the writer is going through alone. 

   Now that I have noted the problems that I have when it comes to writing blogs, I can work on improving them. This will allow me to write and publish a satisfactory blog. 

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